This indicator light illuminates :
Engine compartment
3.8L Engine
1. Engine oil dipstick
2. Engine oil filler cap
3. Engine coolant reservoir
4. Radiator cap
5. Brake fluid reservoir
6. Power steering fluid reservoir
7. Windshield washer flu ...
Why didn’t my air bag go off in a collision? (Inflation and noninflation conditions
of the air bag)
There are many types of accidents in which the air bag would not be expected
to provide additional protection.
These include rear impacts, second or third collisions in multiple impact accidents,
82,500 miles (132,000 km) or 66 months
Rotate tires
Inspect air cleaner filter
Inspect fuel lines, fuel hoses and connections
Inspect vapor hose and fuel filler cap
Inspect fuel tank air filter
Inspect vacuum hose
Inspect po ...