Whenever the vehicle battery is disconnected or discharged, or related fuse is blown, you must reset your sunroof system as follows:
1. The Engine Start/Stop Button must be in the ON position.
2. Release the control lever.
3. Push and hold the control lever forward (for more than 10 seconds) until the sunroof tilts and slightly moves. Then, release the lever.
4. Push the sunroof control lever forward in the direction of close until the sunroof operates as follows:
Sunroof glass and sunshade open → Sunroof glass and sunshade close Then, release the control lever.
When this is complete, the sunroof system is reset.
If the sunroof is not reset when the vehicle battery is disconnected or discharged, or related fuse is blown, the sunroof may operate improperly.
Whenever the battery terminals or related fuses are disconnected, you must reset
the time.
You can set the clock by using the AVN (Audio or Navigation) For the details,
refer to the AVN manual. ...
To convert to cruise control mode
The driver may choose to only use the cruise control mode (speed control function)
by doing as follows:
1.Turn the ASCC on (the cruise indicator light will be on but the system will
not be acti ...
Blind spot detection system (BSD)
The Blind Spot Detection System (BSD) uses a radar sensor to alert the driver.
It senses the rear side territory of the vehicle and provides an indication to
the driver if it detects an object ap ...