Gasohol, a mixture of gasoline and ethanol (also known as grain alcohol), and gasoline or gasohol containing methanol (also known as wood alcohol) are being marketed along with or instead of leaded or unleaded gasoline.
Pursuant to EPA regulations, ethanol may be used in your vehicle. Do not use gasohol containing more than 10% ethanol, and do not use gasoline or gasohol containing any methanol. Ethanol provides less energy than gasoline and it attracts water, and it is thus likely to reduce your fuel efficiency and could lower your MPG results.
Methanol may cause drivability problems and damage to the fuel system. Discontinue using gasohol of anykind if drivability problems occur. Vehicle damage or drivability problems may not be covered by the manufacturer's warranty if they result from the use of:
1.Gasoline or gasohol containing methanol.
2.Leaded fuel or leaded gasohol.
"E85" fuel is an alternative fuel comprised of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, and is manufactured exclusively for use in Flexible Fuel Vehicles. “E85” is not compatible with your vehicle. Use of “E85” may result in poor engine performance and damage to your vehicle's engine and fuel system. Kia recommends that customers do not use fuel with an ethanol content exceeding 10 percent.
Your New Vehicle Limited Warranty does not cover damage to the fuel system or any performance problems caused by the use of “E85” fuel.
Power window lock button
The driver can disable the power window switches on the rear passengers’ doors
by pressing the power window lock switch. The indicator will be illuminated.
When the power window lock switch indic ...
Checking the coolant level
Removing radiator cap
Never attempt to remove the radiator cap while the engine is operating
or hot. Doing so might lead to cooling system and engine damage and could result
in se ...
To increase cruise control set speed
Follow either of these procedures:
Move the lever up (to RES+), and hold it. Your vehicle set speed will increase
by 5 mph (10 km/h). Release the lever at the speed you want.
Move the lever ...